PREPARATION for your tattoo
To ensure the best experience and optimal healing, please follow these guidelines:
Moisturise the area where your new tattoo will go once or twice a day, starting today. This will help with ink absorption and significantly enhance the healing process.
Avoid exfoliating the skin, as it can cause dryness, which may lead to overworked skin during the tattooing process.
Do not sunbathe or tan the area to be tattooed. Tanned skin requires a different approach to the design, and the darker the skin, the more care I need to take with the artwork.
Hydrate by drinking plenty of water for a few weeks before and after your appointment. This helps prepare the skin and supports the healing process.
Avoid energy drinks like Red Bull or Monster, and if you drink coffee, limit it to one cup per day in the days leading up to your session.
Do not take vitamin supplements in the days before your appointment, as they can increase blood flow and affect the tattoo process.
Avoid strenuous physical activity like cardio or heavy training the day before or the day of your session. Muscle inflammation can make you more sensitive to pain, and clients often struggle to sit comfortably after working out.
Steroids can interfere with the tattoo process by increasing blood flow and making the skin harder to tattoo, so please avoid them.
Get enough sleep for several nights leading up to your appointment. Rest is essential for optimal comfort and a smooth tattooing process.
On the Day of the Appointment:
Eat a healthy breakfast with plenty of carbs for energy. Avoid caffeine and energy drinks before your session.
Bring light snacks to maintain energy levels throughout the session. Healthy options like fruit, carbs, and nuts are better than sugary snacks and drinks.
Avoid heavy meals during the session, as they can be harder to digest and may increase sensitivity to pain.
Long sessions & travel: If you’re sitting for a full day and have travelled a long distance, I recommend booking a hotel or Airbnb nearby to rest properly before travelling home. Although it’s an extra expense, it’s crucial for your safety and comfort.